We understand how hard you work. We also understand that without the right talent or without the right job, you can only go so far. We're here to help you realize your greatest potential.

You Are Only as Good the Team Around You
Employers are taking more and more time to determine how to attract and retain talent within their organization. Whether you are a small business or a global corporation, you want to know that the individuals on your team are not only competent but also share the same drive and vision to move your organization forward. We will carefully analyze your organizational culture along with the dynamics of your team in order to ensure that the candidates that we present will be long-term assets to your organization.

Our Approach
It is well known and discussed that most people spend the majority of their waking life at their place of employment. We recognize that this statement has never been more true, and take the necessary steps to ensure that our candidates know that we are fully committed to doing everything in our power to ensure that the next career move they make is one that is not only in line with their skill sets, but that is also in line with who they are as an individual.

Evotek Recruiting was co-founded by Ed San Inocencio and Dave Shuherk. Dave and Ed met in 2011 and maintained a strong working relationship within the HR Industry. Their shared passion for helping companies and individuals grow and thrive culminated in 2017 with the start of Evotek Recruiting.

Screening Of Candidates

Employment Job Placement